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Partnership With Foreign Lawyer

在哥伦比亚特区获得执业许可的博彩app可以与未在美国任何司法管辖区获得执业许可的外国博彩app组成合伙或其他形式的专业协会,只要该合伙或协会不损害D.C. lawyer’s ability to uphold ethical standards.


  • 规则5.1 (Responsibilities of a Partner or Supervisory Lawyer)
  • 规则5.5 (Unauthorized Practice of Law)
  • 规则7.5(b) (Firm Names and Letterhead)
  • 规则7.5(d) (Implying Practice in a Partnership)


解析:选D.C. 酒吧 inquires whether, under the D.C. 职业行为准则, 他和他的公司的其他成员可以加入合伙经营的博彩app只在瑞典执业许可. The lawyer licensed in Sweden will be resident and practicing in the firm’s London office, 哪一个, 调查显示, 博彩app可以按照英国法律服务提供的惯例行事.

This inquiry requires us to determine whether a member of the D.C. 酒吧可以与在非美国执业的外国博彩app合伙或以其他形式的专业协会执业.S. 管辖范围内 but is not licensed to practice law in any 管辖范围内 in the United States.


在美国,拥有多个司法管辖区的合伙制博彩app事务所——由在多个州有执业执照的博彩app组成——毫无疑问是被接受的. As the practice of law increasingly assumes an international dimension, 跨国博彩app事务所合伙和其他形式的跨越国界的专业协会也变得同样普遍. Because of their international scope, 这些合伙关系可能涉及仅在美国以外的司法管辖区获得许可的博彩app的从属关系.

Just as our ethical standards have evolved to permit multi-管辖范围内al law partnerships involving U.S. 博彩app, 他们还, 有适当的保障措施, similarly accommodate partnerships or other forms of professional association with foreign 博彩app. For the reasons explained below, we conclude that members of the D.C. 酒吧可以与没有在美国任何司法管辖区获得执照的外国博彩app合作,只要采取适当措施确保协会不会损害D.C. 酒吧 member’s ability to uphold ethical standards.1

在这个司法管辖区, 我们早就接受了, without ever expressly addressing the issue, the existence of partnerships between D.C. 酒吧 members and attorneys who are admitted only in U.S. D以外的司法管辖区.C. Such associations are permissible, however, only to the extent that they do not impair the D.C. 酒吧 member’s ability and obligation to uphold ethical standards. 例如,当D.C. lawyer practices law in association with others, 他或她必须确保所有参与提供法律服务的个人遵守基本的道德要求,如为客户保密. 看,e.g., 规则5.1, 5.2, 5.3.

同样的考虑同样适用于审查与没有在任何美国执业许可的外国博彩app合作的道德影响.S. 管辖范围内.2 The critical inquiry will be whether any aspect of the association is likely to impair the D.C. 博彩app满足法律服务中适用的道德要求的能力.

在这方面, 必须考虑到外国博彩app的教育要求的一般相似性,以及指导外国博彩app提供法律服务的专业行为和纪律标准的兼容性. If the foreign lawyer’s education and training were materially less than that of a U.S. 博彩app,或者管理外国博彩app行为的专业标准与D .制定的标准不相符.C. 酒吧, any partnership with such an attorney might impair the D.C. lawyer’s ability to uphold the D.C. 职业行为规则或遵守道德标准,如为客户保密和避免利益冲突的需要. Cf. 规则5.1(a)(博彩app事务所合伙人“应作出合理努力,确保事务所采取有效措施,合理保证事务所内所有博彩app均遵守职业行为规则”).

This is an inquiry that must be undertaken on a case by case basis. 通过确定与客户保密和利益冲突有关的问题作为特别关注的领域, we do not mean to suggest that these are the only ethical issues that need to be considered. 相反,D.C. 博彩app必须确保拟议的协会不会以任何方式损害或阻碍其履行道德义务的能力.

与外国持牌博彩app成立任何专业协会必须满足的另一个基本要求是,该协会不与任何D.C. 博彩app的道德义务. Lawyers not admitted to practice in the District of Columbia are, 当然, subject to restrictions against the unauthorized practice of law in this 管辖范围内 (D.C. 应用程序. R. 第49条)和规则5.5(b)禁止.C. 禁止博彩app协助非博彩app公会会员从事构成未经授权的法律执业的活动. Any partnership with a foreign attorney must comply with these obligations.

另外,D.C. 博彩app博彩app事务所必须继续遵守有关使用信头和事务所名称的道德要求. 看到 规则7.5(b) (“a law firm with offices in more than one 管辖范围内 may use the same name in each 管辖范围内, 但是,在事务所的办公室中,博彩app的身份应当标明对未在事务所所在司法管辖区执业的博彩app的管辖权限制.”). 因此, like any multi-管辖范围内al partnership, 与外国博彩app的合伙企业必须确保其信头恰当地标明个人博彩app被许可执业的司法管辖区.

最后,民主党的成员.C. 只有在事实属实的情况下,博彩app才可以声明或暗示他们在合伙或其他组织中执业. 规则7.5(d). In forming a partnership with a foreign attorney, the D.C. lawyer should confirm, both as a matter of U.S. and foreign law, that the relationship created is properly described and held out to clients.

In reaching the conclusion that a D.C. 博彩app可以与没有在美国任何司法管辖区执业许可的外国博彩app组成合伙或其他形式的专业协会,只要该合伙或协会不损害D.C. lawyer’s ability to uphold ethical standards, we join several other 管辖范围内s that have considered similar issues and reached the same result. 看,e.g., N.Y. 州Op. 658年(1月. 24, (博彩app可以与非犹他州的博彩app组成合伙关系或以其他方式联合,这些博彩app被授权在美国境内的其他司法管辖区执业或在外国从事同等职能的博彩app). We are aware of no 管辖范围内 that has concluded otherwise.

调查没有. 97-7-33


1. 本意见假定(但不决定)调查中所述的拟议安排符合D .的所有方面.C. substantive law and with applicable Swedish and United Kingdom law and ethical rules; it therefore addresses only the ethical issues under the D.C. 职业行为准则 presented by the proposed arrangement.
2. Of course, a foreign attorney who also is admitted to practice in one or more U.S. 管辖范围内s is subject to the supervisory authority and disciplinary system of the U.S. 管辖范围内(s) in 哪一个 he is admitted. 因为这个事实, it is unnecessary to consider such attorneys as “foreign” 博彩app for purposes of this analysis.
